Friday 24 May 2013

Individual student blog


Week 6

1.       How well did your group work in the kitchen?
I was in the group that made the jam drops. We worked well together as a group. Before we started we decided on a job for everyone. This made the making and baking run smoothly. Overall great team work by everyone.
2.       Are you looking forward to holding the baked goods stall?
I am very excited about working at the stall on the weekend. I think I will do well at serving customers as the role-play really helped me. I am a little worried that I might give a customer the wrong change however I am sure our teacher will help us out if we need it. I think it will really help everyone with their money skills.

Week 2

We completed lots of activities this week. My favourite part was talking to the lady from the bank over Skype.    
1.       Did you find the money video helped you to recognise the colours of notes and coins          I liked the video. I already knew the colour of the coins but it really helped me to tell the difference between the notes. I think that it is good that the teacher is putting the link on our class blog so that we can watch it again if we forget something.
2.       Did the money video help you with the valve from smallest to largest of the currency?
 The video helped me because you could see all of the notes and coins lined up in order. I sometimes get confused it with 50 cents, $1 and $2 because 50 cents is a larger coin so I think it is the coin with the largest value.
3.       What helpful tips and advice did you receive from the banker?
·         When adding count the notes first then the coins
·         If you have a large amount of money to count separate the money into same piles and count each value then add all of the amount together instead of adding 5cent + $50 + $1
·         When counting money you should always do a calculation twice
4.       What do you think your strengths were that helped you to complete the worksheets?
I am a pretty good reader so I was able to read all of the questions. I also have neat writing that helps keep the amounts lined up which makes adding and subtracting each column easier.  
5.       What areas were your weaknesses in completing the worksheets?
I sometimes have trouble carrying amounts to the next column and make mistakes when tying amounts into the calculator.
6.       Did you find collaborating with peers assisted you to complete more questions and gain new knowledge on working with money?
I liked the part of the lesson where we got to help each other with the questions. I could find someone to help me with a few questions and I was able to help some people as well which was great.
7.       Did you find the money section of Mathletics to be a good or bad revision activity?
I really liked this activity as a revision exercise. It was also good that it is in colour so you can identify the coins and notes by their colour. The questions were all similar which provided good practice.

Week 1

I have filled in K and W on the KWL chart below. It shows my prior knowledge, what I learnt from my peers and what I want to learn about money. After the first week of this unit I think I am going to enjoy learning about money.  

What I know
What I want to learn
What I have learnt
Coins – silver & gold – different sizes -  5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1, $2
To be better at using a calculator
Notes – different colours - $5, $10, $20, $50, $100
Budget my money and save to buy an iPad
Need money to buy things
How long would I need to work to earn $100?
You put money in the bank to save it
Learn to do calculations without using a calculator
Have to work hard to get paid money
Additional information I know after collaborating with peers
Different items cost different amounts of money – a car cost lots and lollies cost a small amount
Kids get pocket money from their parents for doing jobs around the house
Saving your money is a good idea
Some people have a lot of money and others having very little depending on what they do for a living


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